Bragg Crane Service, Long Beach, Calif., has finalized the purchase of eight new Link-Belt cranes with the Nixon-Egli Co. Bragg Crane will take delivery of all units by the end of third quarter 2017.
The package includes five new HTC-86110 telescopic truck cranes, one HTT-86110 telescopic truck terrain crane, and two 110RT rough-terrain cranes.
Ian Johnson, Bragg Crane Rental’s vice president and chief operating officer, said Link-Belt truck cranes have been part of Bragg’s taxi crane fleet for 20 years. He said the company is looking forward to its first Link-Belt truck terrain crane, where it will operate in the confined work environment in Santa Barbara.
Referring to the two 110RTs, Scott Bragg, vice president and chief operating officer of Bragg Companies, said, “The outstanding reach of the 164 ft. boom on the 110RTs allows our bare rental clients to cover the majority of their lifting needs without the burden of erecting fly attachments.”