Last week at the SC&RA Crane & Rigging Workshop, the Crane & Rigging Group Safety Education & Training Committee discussed three new task forces: Boom Dollies; Weighing of Cranes on Mobile Scales; and Hazard Preparedness.
The Weighing of Cranes on Mobile Scales Task Force is working to eliminate inaccurate weighing of cranes on mobile scales and will be developing a white paper and video to explain proper weighing techniques. The Boom Dollies Task Force was created to educate members on proper procedures and to reduce incidents. The Task Force will work with crane and boom dolly manufacturers to determine best practices and will consider using video to communicate this information.
In new business, it was suggested that, on the heels of three major hurricanes, the Committee name a task force to develop best practices for reasonable preparation before, during, and after major weather events or natural disasters, as well as guidance on how to deal with the media when such events occur.
Any members interested in participating on these task forces should contact Beth O’Quinn.